Future Memories

The lights seem more artificial than I remember. The carpets, corporate, the windows, blinded. Sound of binders snapping, people talking, telephones ringing, with that low dull office phone tone... Burrr. Burrr. Burrr.

Computer screen.

Eye strain.

Eye and finger coordination.

Neck strain.

Talking on the phone... blah blah blah blah. Headset, typeset, paper set, desk set. Lunchtime glory. Awkward office parties, office gossip, office end-of-day delirium. Neckties. Button up, collared shirts. Click clack of heels. Payday.

Fingers drumming, pencils tapping, knee shaking. Gum chewing, coffee sipping, snack nibbling. New IM: "Meet me by the water cooler in 5." Reply: "Wanna order Chinese?" New IM: "How does pizza sound instead?"

Stapler sound, electric pencil sharpener sound, copy machine sound.

Click click, buzz buzz, hummm hummm.

You've got mail! Check again. Ditto sheets. Contact sheets. Time in/out sheets. REDUNDANT. Forms. Two forms, blue forms, shred forms, blank forms. Re-dun-dant. Accounts receivable, accounts payable. Accounts redeemable, accounts repayable. Office nerd, office hottie, office turd, office slutty. Christmas party. Two O'clock lethargy. All systems down, "One moment, Sir." "I do apologize Ma'm." Brief pause, too short. Tech support, system's up.

Sigh of relief, sigh of surrender.

Future memories, surreal adventure.